Explore - Experience - Excel

Speech weavers (communication)


“Good Communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity”

The Communication Club at ISME is a club that is completely focused on enhancing the communication skills of students and enhancing the overall development of its members. The club aspires to aid students and empower them to become effective and efficient communicators and powerful leaders, thereby building their self-confidence and self-growth. Communication club of ISME work towards enhancing the public speaking skills of its pupil, make them understand the importance of effective business communication, this club takes responsibility to help students to become and think like effective leaders by enhancing their verbal and nonverbal skills of communication.

Recent Activities

  1. Story telling
  2. Interview skills
  3. Negotiation skills
  4. Book reading
  5. Impromptu
  6. Spin the yarn
  7. Song and memory & Pictionary
  8. House Party
  9. Guest Lecture & 21 questions(debate)



Prof. Sriram Prabhakar (PG)

Abhinav Chandra

Shakthi Vignesh

Devanshi Shah

Prof. Sriram ( PG )

President – Aiswarya Mohan

Vice President – Preeti

Prof. Andrew  ( UG )

President – Vishnunath

Vice President – Aradhya Sharma